Pamela McElwee (2016). Forests Are Gold: Trees, People and Environmental Rule in Vietnam. U. of Washington Press. Available from Amazon as well. See more about my book on my book page.
Maria Cruz-Torres and Pamela McElwee, eds. (2012). Gender and Sustainability: Lessons from Asia and Latin America. Tucson: University of Arizona Press. Available from Amazon as well.
I keep updated access to most of my publications, many of which are downloadable, at my webpages at and
Examples of recent papers include:
McElwee, P.D. et al. (2020). “The impact of interventions in the global land and agri-food sectors on Nature’s Contributions to People and UN Sustainable Development Goals.” Global Change Biology
McElwee, P.D., Huber, B & Nguyen V.H. (2019). “Hybridized outcomes of payments for ecosystem services policies in Vietnam: Between Theory and Practice” Development & Change
Shapiro-Garza, E., McElwee, P.D., Van Hecken, G. and Corbera, E. (2019). “Beyond market logics: Payments for ecosystem services as alternative development practices in the global south.” Development & Change
Fernández-Llamazares, A., Western, D., Gavin, K., McElwee, P.D., and Cabeza, M. (2019) “Historical shifts in local attitudes toward wildlife by Maasai pastoralists of the Amboseli Ecosystem, Kenya.” Journal for Nature Conservation
McElwee, P.D. (2017) “The metrics of making ecosystem services.” Environment and Society: Advances in Research 8: 96-124.
McElwee, P.D., Nghiem, P.T, Le, T.V.H., Vu, T.D.H. (2017). “Flood Vulnerability among Rural Households in the Red River Delta of Vietnam: Implications for Future Climate Change Risk and Adaptation.” Natural Hazards 86(1): 465-492. doi: 10.1007/s11069-016-2701-6.
McElwee, P.D., Nguyen V.H., Nguyen D.V., Tran, N.H., Nghiem, P.T, Le, T.V.H., and Vu, T.D.H. (2017). “Using REDD+ policy to facilitate climate adaptation at the local level: Synergies and challenges in Vietnam.” Forests 8(1), 11; doi: 10.3390/f8010011
McElwee, P.D. (2016). “Doing REDD+ Work in Vietnam: Will the New Carbon Focus Bring Equity to Forest Management?” Chapter 11 In: The Carbon Fix: Global Equity and the New Environmental Regime, S. Fiske and S. Paladino, eds. Berkeley: Left Coast Press, pp. 184-200.
McElwee, P.D. (2015) “From conservation and development to climate: Anthropological engagements with REDD+ in Vietnam.” In: Climate Cultures: Anthropological Perspectives on Climate Change, J. Barnes and M. Dove, eds. New Haven: Yale University Press, p. 82-106.
McElwee, P.D., Nghiem, P.T, Le, T.V.H., Vu, T.D.H. and Tran, N.H. (2014) “Payments for environmental services and contested neoliberalisation in developing countries: A case study from Vietnam.” Journal of Rural Studies 36: 423-440. doi:10.1016/j.jrurstud.2014.08.003
Barnes, J., Dove, M., Lahsen, M., Mathews, A., McElwee, P.D., McIntosh, R., Moore, F., O’Reilly, J. Orlove, B., Puri, R., Weiss, H., and Yagerh, K. (2013) “What anthropologists contribute to climate change debates.” Nature Climate Change 3 (June): 541–544. doi:10.1038/nclimate1775.
McElwee, P.D., “Payments for Environmental Services as Neoliberal Market-based Forest Conservation in Vietnam: Panacea or Problem?” Geoforum, 2012, 43: 412-426. doi:10.1016/j.geoforum.2011.04.010
McElwee, P.D., et al. The Social Dimensions of Adaptation to Climate Change in Vietnam. Development and Climate Change Discussion Paper No. 17, World Bank, 2010.
McElwee, P.D. “Resource Use among Rural Agricultural Households near Protected Areas in Vietnam: The Social Costs of Conservation and Implications for Enforcement.” Environmental Management, 2010, 45: 113-131. doi:10.1007/s00267-009-9394-5
McElwee, P.D. “Reforesting ‘Bare Hills’ in Vietnam: Social and Environmental Consequences of the 5 Million Hectare Reforestation Program.” Ambio: A Journal of the Human Environment, 2009, 38(6): 325-333. doi:10.1579/08-R-520.1
McElwee, P.D. “‘Blood Relatives’ or Unfriendly Neighbors? Vietnamese – Ethnic Minority Interactions in the Annamite Mountains,” Journal of Vietnamese Studies, 2008, 3(3): 81-116. doi:10.1525/vs.2008.3.3.81.
McElwee, P.D. “Forest Environmental Income in Vietnam: Household Socio-Economic Factors Influencing Forest Use .” Environmental Conservation, 2008, 35 (2): 1-13. doi:10.1017/S0376892908004736
McElwee, P.D. “From the Moral Economy to the World Economy: Revisiting Vietnamese Peasants in a Globalizing Era.” Journal of Vietnamese Studies, 2007, 2(2): 57-107. doi:10.1525/jvs.2007.2.2.57
McElwee, P.D. “Displacement and Relocation Redux: Stories from Southeast Asia”. Conservation and Society, 2006, 4(3): 396-403.
McElwee, P.D. “’There is Nothing That is Difficult’: History and Hardship on and after the Ho Chi Minh Trail in North Vietnam.” The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology, 2005, 6(3): 197-214. doi:10.1080/14442210500337953
McElwee, P.D. “You Say Illegal, I Say Legal: The Relationship between ‘Illegal’ Logging and Poverty, Land Tenure, and Forest Use Rights in Vietnam.” Journal of Sustainable Forestry, 2004, 19 (1/2/3): 97-135. doi:10.1300/J091v19n01_06
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[…] McElwee là tác giả của hơn 70 ấn phẩm khoa học và cuốn sách “Rừng là vàng: cây, con người và quy tắc môi trường” tại Việt Nam Giáo sư đã giành giải thưởng Hiệp hội Nghiên cứu Đông Nam Á của Châu Âu năm 2017 ( EUROSEAS) cho cuốn sách khoa học xã hội hay nhất về Đông Nam Á. […]